The Below mentioned table showing the list of Common Service Centers or CSC in Baghmara . This list contains the name of the individuals and respective addresses of CSC providers in Baghmara
Common Service Centers in Baghmara
SNo | Contact | Address |
1 | Alian Vincy Mathew S Marak | Alian Vinc Baghmara M Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
2 | Bappi Kirtania | Bappi Kirt Sibbari Ro Wagesik Jongkolgit Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
3 | Bina Sinha | Bina Sinha Siju Road Bolsalgre Dabigre Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
4 | Biswajeet Hajong | Biswajeet Siju Road Super Mark Dabigre Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
5 | Cheman D Sangma | Cheman D S Border Roa Dabram Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
6 | Lenick M Sangma | Nongal Bib Nongalbibr Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
7 | Michael Jose D Sangma | Michael Jo Jadigittim Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
8 | Rupa Sinha | Rupa Sinha Petrol Pum Petrol Pum Dabigre Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
9 | Shyamal Das | Shyamal Da Malikona Baghmara Arapara Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
10 | Silseng A Sangma | Silseng A Dc Office Reserve Gi Alokpang S Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
11 | Sumon Paul | Baghmara Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |
12 | Tengseng M Sangma | Tengseng M Bolsal Adi Aoc Petrol Dabigre Baghmara S.O Pincode 794102 |