Common Service Centers in Chakpikarong

The Below mentioned table showing the list of Common Service Centers or CSC in Chakpikarong . This list contains the name of the individuals and respective addresses of CSC providers in Chakpikarong

Common Service Centers in Chakpikarong

SNo Contact Address
1 M.Chungkhohao Haokip Csc Langch Sugnu Langching Sugnu S.O Pincode 795101
2 Moningam Khumlo Cic Chakpi Rungchang Chakpikarong S.O Pincode 795102
3 Ngamwar Moses Csc Y. Khu Y. Kutha Sugnu S.O Pincode 795101
4 Ps Kingam Anal Csc Chakpi Imphal Sug Chakpikaro Chakpikarong S.O Pincode 795102
5 S Ngamlenlal Vaiphei Csc-Chalja Chandel Di Chaljang Chakpikarong S.O Pincode 795102