The Below mentioned table showing the list of Common Service Centers or CSC in Dhansura . This list contains the name of the individuals and respective addresses of CSC providers in Dhansura
Common Service Centers in Dhansura
SNo | Contact | Address |
1 | Baratbhai Bhudarbhai Rathod | Fps - Akru Akrund Dhansura Akrund S.O Pincode 383260 |
2 | Barot Bipulchandra Hiralal | Barot Bipu Akrund Vadagam Akrund S.O Pincode 383260 |
3 | Barot Narandas Kabhadas | Fps Akrund Dhansura Akarund Akrund S.O Pincode 383260 |
4 | Bhagvanbhai Dahyabhai Bharvad | Fps Lalapu Lalpur Dhansura Kidi B.O Pincode 383310 |
5 | Bharatbhai Valabhai Bharvad | Fps-Simli- Simli Dhansura Jasvantpura Kampa B.O Pincode 383310 |
6 | Bharvad Kamleshbhai Lakhabhai | Fps Naranp Naranpura Dhansura Naranpura Kampa B.O Pincode 383310 |
7 | Bharvad Nehalkumar Shantilal | Fps-Khadol Khadol Dhansura Khadol B.O Pincode 383310 |
8 | Dabhi Gopalsinh Bhalubhai | Fps-Butal- Butal Dhansura Butal B.O Pincode 383310 |
9 | Damini Ben Kirit Bhai Patel | Daminiben Dhansura Dhansura S.O Pincode 383310 |
10 | Girishbhai Koyabhai Mesariya | Fps Ambasa Ambasar Dhansura Ambasar B.O Pincode 383307 |
11 | Hardik Suthar | E-Seva Ken Char Rasta Dhansura S.O Pincode 383310 |
12 | Hasmukhbharthi Maganbharthi Bava | Fps - 3702 Kesharpura Dhansura Kesharpura B.O Pincode 383230 |
13 | Kalal Isubmiya Kamalmiya | Fps-Panchk Panch Kuha Dhansura Butal B.O Pincode 383310 |
14 | Mahendrakumar D Solanki | Fps-Vadaga Vadagam Dhansura Dhansura S.O Pincode 383310 |
15 | Makwana Karansinh Motisinh | Fps-Khilod Khilodiya Dhansura Khilodia B.O Pincode 383307 |
16 | Mesariya Shaileshkumar Kantibhai | Fps Amodar Amodara Dhansura Amodara B.O Pincode 383310 |
17 | Parmar Satishbhai Amrutbhai | Fps-Dhaman Dhamaniya Dhansura Dhamania B.O Pincode 383310 |
18 | Prakashkumar Ramanlal Rathod | Fps-Dhansu Bayad Road Dhansura Dhansura S.O Pincode 383310 |
19 | Pravinbhai Saburbhai Talar | Fps Karanp Karanpur Dhansura Shantipura B.O Pincode 383310 |
20 | Rathod Dineshkumar Babaji | Fps-Lalino Lali No Ma Dhansura Lalinomath B.O Pincode 383307 |
21 | Rathod Karansinh Ranjitsinh | Fps-Kidi-K Kidi Dhansura Kidi B.O Pincode 383310 |
22 | Ronakkumar Bharatbhai Khant | Ronakkumar Rahiyol Thakor Vas Sika B.O Pincode 383310 |
23 | Solanki Ajaykumar Gunvantbhai | Fps-Kamli- Kamli Dhansura Ujleshvar B.O Pincode 383310 |
24 | Valand Shaileshkumar Kantibhai | Valand Sha Dhansura Modasa Roa Dhansura S.O Pincode 383310 |
25 | Vinubhai Fatabhai Pagi | Fps Malekp Malekpur Dhansura Dhamania B.O Pincode 383310 |