Common Service Centers in Roing

The Below mentioned table showing the list of Common Service Centers or CSC in Roing . This list contains the name of the individuals and respective addresses of CSC providers in Roing

Common Service Centers in Roing

SNo Contact Address
1 Dipen Dipen Duar Cheta-I Roing Cheta I A Cheta - I Meka B.O Pincode 792110
2 Jiko Linggi Jikolinggi Roing Old Abali Old Abali Old Abali( Iduli B.O Pincode 792110
3 Milu Paul Milu Paul Roing-Ii Roing Mayu I Meka B.O Pincode 792110
4 Minu Kumari Rai Common Ser Rayang-Ii Rayang I Meka B.O Pincode 792110
5 Pappu Paul Pappu Paul Upper Mark Roing Meka B.O Pincode 792110
6 Raman Gupta Jk Enterpr Roing Mayu-I Roing Meka B.O Pincode 792110
7 Vikas Shah Vikash Sha Near Hdfc Roing Santipur B.O Pincode 792110