Common Service Centers in Saitu-Gamphazol

The Below mentioned table showing the list of Common Service Centers or CSC in Saitu-Gamphazol . This list contains the name of the individuals and respective addresses of CSC providers in Saitu-Gamphazol

Common Service Centers in Saitu-Gamphazol

SNo Contact Address
1 Arjun Subedi A S Comput Charhajare Charhazar Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
2 Ch Paul Ch Paul Makhan Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
3 Gaiphun Thaimei Wainem Kab Tidim Road Wainem Kab Bungte Chiru Pincode 795134
4 Gangmei Gailungliu Kabuini Chongphun Nungang Nunggang ( Bishnupur Pincode 795126
5 Haotinlal Lhouvum Csc Motbun Bethlehem Motbung Vi Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
6 Heshat H Kipgen Csc Phaile Phailenkot Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
7 Khailun Tuboi Nampi Comp Charhajare Govajang Chalbung Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
8 Lamtinthang Haokip Informatio G. Kholep Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
9 Letminlen Haokip G. Gelbung Nh-2 Saitu Gamp G.Gelbung Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
10 Lhunjamang Haokip Lhunjamang Phoibih Koubru Lei Phoibi Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
11 Lunkhonei Csc S. Bol Near Eklyv S. Bollen S.Bolen Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
12 M Achangliu Csc Makhan Pincode 795136
13 Maisilungbou Chawangtingduimai Maisilungb Makhan Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
14 Mangkhosat Sitlhou Kangchup P Kangchup P Kangchup P Kangchup P Lamsang Pincode 795146
15 Ngamlenmang Guite Fullmoon D Nh-2 Saparmaina N.Champhai Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
16 Paohao Lhouvum Csc Leimak Bethlehem Leimakhong Karakhul Pincode 795002
17 Paolal Singsit Paolal Sin Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
18 Philip Kamei 509228-Par Tiddim Roa Siangi Nam Saingai Na Bishnupur Pincode 795126
19 S Lemlian Vaiphei Lemma Comp Kangchup T Kangchup T Lamsang Pincode 795146
20 Sl Lelen Lhous S L Lelen Leimakhong Karakhul Pincode 795002
21 Tongkhanthang Kipgen Mn01020052 Phaijang Motbung S.O Pincode 795107
22 Uma Kaphle Uma Kaphle Charhajare Charhazar Motbung S.O Pincode 795107