The Below mentioned table showing the list of Common Service Centers or CSC in Umrala . This list contains the name of the individuals and respective addresses of CSC providers in Umrala
Common Service Centers in Umrala
SNo | Contact | Address |
1 | Agravat Batukram Shivram | Agravat Ba Hadmatala Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
2 | Bharat Bhai P Rathod | Rathod Bha Bajud B.O Pincode 364210 |
3 | Bharatbhai Dharmshibhai Boricha | Boricha Bh Chogath (T Chogath (T Chogath B.O Pincode 364330 |
4 | Chauhan Kiranben Narshibhai | Chauhan Ki Piparali Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
5 | Dashrathsinh M Gohil | Gohil Dash Ramanka B.O Pincode 364320 |
6 | Dudharejiya Bharatbhai Ravidas | Dudharejiy Main Bazar Dhamnaka Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
7 | Dushyantsinh Yogendrasinh Vaja | Om Info Ca Main Raod Opp Krishn Dhola Vish Dhola (Ct) Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
8 | Gauswami Prakashpari Rameshpari | Gauswami P Jaliya B.O Pincode 364740 |
9 | Gohil Bhupendrasinh Banubha | Gohil Bhup Dharuka B.O Pincode 364330 |
10 | Gohil Chetansinh P | Gohil Chet Langala B.O Pincode 364320 |
11 | Gohil Pradipsinh Jasubha | Gohil Prad Vadod B.O Pincode 364320 |
12 | Gohil Ramdevsinh Lalubha | Gohil Ramd Dhola Goda Dhola Goda Dadva B.O Pincode 364320 |
13 | Gojil Hansaba Kishorsinh | Gohil Hans Umrala (Ct Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
14 | Gopalbhai Kotar | Kotar Gopa Ahir Stree Piparali Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
15 | Goswami Alpeshgiri Bhupatgiri | Goswami Al Jaliya Parvala B.O Pincode 364320 |
16 | Goswami Harshadgiri Lalgiri | Harsahadgi Ranghola Sanosara S.O Pincode 364230 |
17 | Haresh Bhai B Makwana | Umrala Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
18 | Hiteshbhai Savjibhai Jadav | Jadav Hite Thonda Hadmatiya B.O Pincode 364230 |
19 | Joshi Devendrakumar Laxmishankar | Joshi Deve Ingorala Limda (H) B.O Pincode 364740 |
20 | Kagadiya Vasantbhai Balabhai | Kagadiya V Dhola Gam Dhola Gam Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
21 | Kantariya Pravinbhai Amrshibhai | Pravinbhai Dadava Ran Dadava Dadva (Ran Dadva (Ran Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
22 | Kapadi Kishanbhai Narendrakumar | Kapadi Kis Thonda Hadmatiya B.O Pincode 364230 |
23 | Maharshi R Trivedi | Gayatri Xe Utara Chow Utara Chow Umrala (Ct Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
24 | Maheshbhai B Sarvaiya | Sarvaiya M Devaliya Sanosara S.O Pincode 364230 |
25 | Maru Rajeshbhai Nanjibhai | Maru Rajes Reva B.O Pincode 364230 |
26 | Mithani Firojbhai Popatbhai | Mithani Fi Chogath (T Chogath (T Chogath B.O Pincode 364330 |
27 | Mitravdan P Chavada | Chavda Mit Main Stree Dhola Vish Dhola (Ct) Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
28 | Narendrasinh Gohil | Gohil Nare Ranghola B.O Pincode 364230 |
29 | Nathani Hanifbhai Husenbhai | Nathani Ha Umrala (Ct Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
30 | Pankajbhai P Koradiya | Ganesh Com Main Road Krishna Sh Dhola Vish Dhola (Ct) Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
31 | Parmar Dhanjibhai Khodabhai | Parmar Dha Parwala Dharwala B.O Pincode 364740 |
32 | Prashantbhai H Gujarati | J K Travel Hadmatiya Ranghola B.O Pincode 364230 |
33 | Pruthvisinh Gohil | Gohil Prut Alampar B.O Pincode 364320 |
34 | Sandipbhai N Tank | Stallion E Bhavani Na Near Bha D Dadva (Ran Dadva (Ran Dadva B.O Pincode 364320 |
35 | Sharmali Ganibhai Rehmanbhai | Sharmali G Chogath (T Chogath (T Chogath B.O Pincode 364330 |
36 | Solanki Ghanshyambhai Naranbhai | Solanki Gh Dadva (Ran Dadva (Ran Dadva B.O Pincode 364320 |
37 | Trivedi Jogenkumar Bipinchandra | Trivedi Jo Umrala (Ct Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
38 | Vadhava Biharimal Jammumal | Vadhva Bih Dhola Vish Dhola Vish Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
39 | Vadhava Naranmal Ashumal | Vadhava Na Dhola Vish Dhola Vish Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
40 | Vala Jitendrasinh Rahubha | Vala Jiten Umrala (Ct Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
41 | Vala Yuvrajsinh Jitendrasinh | Yuvrajsinh Umrala (Ct Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |
42 | Vanaliya Kishorkumar Nathalal | Vanaliya K Main Bajar Dhola Gram Dhola Gam Dhola Gam Dhola S.O Pincode 364320 |
43 | Vashim A Nathani | Vasim Ahma Main Bazar Umrala (Ct Umrala S.O Pincode 364330 |