The Below mentioned table showing the list of Common Service Centers or CSC in Virajpet . This list contains the name of the individuals and respective addresses of CSC providers in Virajpet
Common Service Centers in Virajpet
SNo | Contact | Address |
1 | Akshita V R | Kanoorugp Kanooru Kanur B.O Pincode 571216 |
2 | Ganesh | Image Mobi Aruvathokl Gonikoppal Gonikoppal S.O Pincode 571213 |
3 | Jayalakshmi B B | Karnataka Virajpet S.O Pincode 571218 |
4 | Lokesh A P | Bhumika En Gonikoppa Virajpet S.O Pincode 571218 |
5 | M N Shahid Hussain | Bits & Byt Mount View Gonikoppal Gonikoppal Gonikoppal S.O Pincode 571213 |
6 | Mohammed Sufian K M | Mohammad S Virajpet S.O Pincode 571218 |
7 | Prajwal K N | G S T Seva Mysore Rao Gonilkoppa Gonikoppal Gonikoppal S.O Pincode 571213 |
8 | Praveen P R | Karnataka Main Road Gonikoppal S.O Pincode 571213 |
9 | Ratheesh P S | Csc Kutta S.O Pincode 571250 |
10 | Reena Shanthi Dsa | Grama Panc Kirgur Grama Panc Kirgur B.O Pincode 571216 |
11 | Regal Joseph T J | Regal Jose Siddapur T Siddapur T Siddapura Karadigodu Siddapura-Kodagu S.O Pincode 571253 |
12 | Riyana I B | Chembebell Chembe Bel Chembe Bel Chembebellore B.O Pincode 571218 |
13 | Sameer M. S | Elegant Near Pvt B Gonikoppal S.O Pincode 571213 |
14 | Thomas K S | One Click Karadigodu Siddapur T Siddapura Siddapura Siddapura-Kodagu S.O Pincode 571253 |
15 | Vishwanath Pj | Srinidhi E Court Road Karnataka Virajpet S.O Pincode 571218 |