Question: How might you map an incoming request to a controller method?
- Annotate a Controller class with `@Controller`. Then, using a specific naming convention for the methods, the `RequestMappingHandlerAdapter` will automatically configure your endpoints with the proper HTTP verb and URI.
- Register a controller as a bean. Then, using a specific naming convention for the methods, the `RequestMappingHandlerAdapter` will automatically configure your endpoints based on values from the YAML config file.
- Annotate a controller method with `@RequestMapping`, or a HTTP verb-specific annotation with a String URI pattern parameter (and other params as needed), which is supported through a `RequestMappingHandlerMapping/Adapter`.
- Register a controller as a bean. Then, using a specific naming convention for the methods, the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter will automatically configure your endpoints based on values passed into the bean definition.
Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option C:Annotate a controller method with `@RequestMapping`, or a HTTP verb-specific annotation with a String URI pattern parameter (and other params as needed), which is supported through a `RequestMappingHandlerMapping/Adapter`.