Question: There are times when you might want to programmatically trigger an event, instead of simply reacting to user input directly. Given this markup, Which choice will NOT cause a click event to the select box when the button is clicked?
- `$('button').on('click.myApp', (function() { $('input[type=select]').trigger('click'); });`
- `$('button').on('click', (function() { $('input[type=select]').click()); });`
- `$('button').trigger(function() { $('input[type=select]').click(); });`
- `$('button').click(function() { $('input[type=select]').click(); });`
Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option A:`$('button').on('click.myApp', (function() { $('input[type=select]').trigger('click'); });`